How to Keep Track of the Stock?


Now that you have already started investing in a stock with help of the Equity Checklist, it isn’t necessary that the fundamental conviction that you have in your mind will always remain true. It may change from time to time. So it’s necessary to keep track of the stock in order to check if the conviction remains in play or not.

To keep track of the stock, you would need to do the following:

On a Yearly Basis:

-          Read the Annual Report. (Sections like Chairman’s message, Management Discussion & Analysis, Financial Statements & their Notes will help you in understanding how the company performed around the year and what does it plan to do in the future).

On a Quarterly Basis:

-          All companies are mandated to release results quarterly around the year. Keeping a track of results of the stock is important. They usually provide a YOY and QOQ comparison which also helps us in understanding if the company is growing or de-growing. (In the year 2021-22, 2022-23, we were making a comparison with quarterly results from the corresponding pre-covid quarter (2019-20), to see if the Revenue/PAT levels have reached pre-covid levels or not.)

-          Companies usually release an Investor Presentation along with the results which helps in understanding what happened usually during the quarter.

-          Some companies also organize conference calls wherein the management gives commentary followed by questions & answer session. Usually, during these calls managements do provide some kind of future guidance which helps in understanding the company’s future. The Q&A session helps resolve investor queries may it be related to accounting treatments or business related or sector related. (All investors can participate in the same and ask questions)

-          You should also look at Research Reports from different brokerages. They usually do have estimates on financials which help you paint a picture for the future. It can be negative/positive/neutral.

-          Check for any management interviews that might have happened where in the management has given first-hand information on the company.

On a Daily Basis:

-          A check on the news related to the economy/sector/stock is a must.

-          As an investor, you can join the Valupickr Forum where you can see insights from different investors on different stocks. It is a discussion forum between investors.

-          Keep a tab on the exchange filings of the companies that you have invested in. (Can be done via

-          Need to check for any kind of deals (Bulk/Block/Insider) is happening in the stock that you own.


Hope this additional list will help you keep track of your stocks. Happy Investing!!!!!! 


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