The Industry Analysis
Now that you know the company is safe to
invest in, a check on the industry it operates in is necessary. Start by
answering the questions listed below.
ü Which sector is the company present in? Do you understand the sector and how it works? Is it a scalable segment or a niche segment?
ü Does it require High Working Capital?
ü Is it easy for New Companies to enter this kind of a business?
ü Are the other companies in the same sector growing or not as compared
to the company you are planning to invest in in the last 5-10 years? Find
reasons if you find a contradictory answer.
ü Is there a threat of Substitute Products?
ü Is it a market leader in the industry? If not, why choose this
company and not the market leader?
ü Is it a capital intensive or labour intensive industry?
ü Is it a pollution generative sector? Carbon Footprint is increasing
or decreasing?
ü Is it a commodity based sector? Is it affected by the weather?
ü Is the sector currently in Headwinds/Tailwinds?
ü Is the sector Government Regulated? Is it involved in
imports/exports? (If yes, the government will be regulating policies which
needs to be checked time and again)
ü Is it a sector where technology is continuously changing? If yes,
how frequently? (This means that they would need to keep changing also
continuously which would require high amount of Capex)
ü Are there any other specific industry-based risk factors which are
not mentioned above?
ü Is the industry favoured by market and giving a high P/E multiple?
It is always better to list down all the
risk factors that might affect an industry/sector which will help you keep
track of the macros of the specific industry.
Once you are convinced that this is a good
stock to invest in, go ahead and plan your buying. But still you need to make a
few decisions before you final put in a Buy Trade. Wait for my post on The
Buying/Selling Decision.
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